Backup and recovery

This feature is supported in RadonDB MySQL Kubernetes 2.1.0 and later versions.

Quick Start

Step 1 Install Operator.

Install the operator named test:

$ helm install test charts/mysql-operator

Step 2 Configure backup for S3.

Add the secret file.

kind: Secret
apiVersion: v1
  name: sample-backup-secret
  namespace: default
  s3-endpoint: aHR0cDovL3MzLnNoMWEucWluZ3N0b3IuY29t
  s3-access-key: SEdKWldXVllLSENISllFRERKSUc=
  s3-secret-key: TU44TkNUdDJLdHlZREROTTc5cTNwdkxtNTlteE01blRaZlRQMWxoag==
  s3-bucket: bGFsYS1teXNxbA==
type: Opaque

The value s3-xxxx is base64-encoded. You can obtain the encoded value as follows.

$ echo -n "hello"|base64

Create the Secret in Kubernetes.

$ kubectl create -f config/samples/backup_secret.yaml

Add the backupSecretName property in mysql_v1alpha1_mysqlcluster.yaml.

  replicas: 3
  mysqlVersion: "5.7"
  backupSecretName: sample-backup-secret

Create the backup file mysql_v1alpha1_backup.yaml.

kind: Backup
  name: backup-sample1
  # Add fields here
  hostname: sample-mysql-0
  clustname: sample
hostnameThe pod name in the cluster
clustnameThe cluster name

Step 3 Start cluster.

$ kubectl apply -f config/samples/mysql_v1alpha1_mysqlcluster.yaml     

Step 4 Start backup.

Start the backup after the cluster is successfully started.

$ kubectl apply -f config/samples/mysql_v1alpha1_backup.yaml


Uninstalling operator

Uninstall the cluster named test:

$ helm uninstall test

$kubectl delete -f config/samples/mysql_v1alpha1_backup.yaml

Uninstalling cluster

Uninstall the cluster named sample:

$ kubectl delete sample

Uninstalling CRD

$ kubectl delete

Restore of cluster from backup

Check the S3 bucket and set the RestoreFrom property in the YAML file to the backup directory, for example, backup_2021720827.

  replicas: 3
  mysqlVersion: "5.7"
  backupSecretName: sample-backup-secret
  restoreFrom: "backup_2021720827"

Then run the following command to restore a cluster from the backup_2021720827 copy in the S3 bucket.

$ kubectl apply -f config/samples/mysql_v1alpha1_mysqlcluster.yaml     
  • To recover a cluster from an NFS server, operate as follows.

Creating image

$ docker build -f Dockerfile.sidecar -t  acekingke/sidecar:0.1 . && docker push acekingke/sidecar:0.1
$ docker build -t acekingke/controller:0.1 . && docker push acekingke/controller:0.1

You can replace acekingke/sidecar:0.1 with your own label.

Deploying your own image

$ make manifests
$ make install 
$ make deploy IMG=acekingke/controller:0.1 KUSTOMIZE=~/radondb-mysql-kubernetes/bin/kustomize