User management with MysqlUser CRD

This feature is supported in RadonDB MySQL Kubernetes 2.1.0 and later versions.


  • The RadonDB MySQL cluster is deployed.

Creating user account

Step 1 Check CRD.

Run the following command, and the CRD named will be displayed.

$ kubectl get crd | grep mysqluser                          2021-09-21T09:15:08Z

Step 2 Create Secret.

RadonDB MySQL uses the Secret object in Kubernetes to save user passwords. Run the following command to create a Secret named sample-user-password using the sample configuration in this section.

$ kubectl apply -f

Step 3 Create user.

Run the following command to create a user named sample_user using the sample configuration.

$ kubectl apply -f 

Note: Modifying spec.user (username) directly creates a new user with the username. To create multiple users, make sure that (CR instance name) corresponds to spec.user.

Modifying user account

The user account is defined by the parameters in the spec field. Currently, the following operations are supported:

  • Modify the hosts parameter.
  • Add the permissions parameter.

Authorizing IP address

You are allowed to authorize the IP address of the user account by defining the hosts parameter:

  • % indicates all IP addresses are authorized.
  • You can modify one or more IP addresses.
    - "%"

User privilege

You can define the database access permission for the user account with the permissions field in mysqlUser, and add user rights by adding parameters in the permissions field.

    - database: "*"
        - "*"
        - SELECT
  • The database parameter indicates the database that the user account is allowed to access. * indicates the user account is allowed to access all databases in the cluster.
  • The tables parameter indicates the database tables that the user account is allowed to access. * indicates the user account is allowed to access all tables in the database.
  • The privileges parameter indicates the database permissions granted for the user account. For more privilege descriptions, see privileges supported by MySQL.

Deleting user account

Delete the MysqlUser CR created with the sample configuration as follows.

$ kubectl delete mysqluser sample-user-cr

Note: Deleting the MysqlUser CR automatically deletes the corresponding MySQL user.

Sample configuration


apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: sample-user-password   # Secret name, applied to the secretSelector.secret  
  pwdForSample: UmFkb25EQkAxMjMKIA==  # secret key, applied to secretSelector.secretKey. The example password is base64-encoded RadonDB@123.
  # pwdForSample2:
  # pwdForSample3:


kind: MysqlUser
  name: sample-user-cr  # User CR name. It is recommended that you manage one user with one user CR.
  user: sample_user  # The name of the user to be created/updated
  hosts:             # The hosts that can be accessed. You can specify multiple hosts. % represents all hosts.
       - "%"
    - database: "*"  # Database name. * indicates all databases.
      tables:        # Table name. * indicates all tables
         - "*"
      privileges:    # Permission. See for more details.
         - SELECT
  userOwner:  # Specify the cluster where the user is located. It cannot be modified.
    clusterName: sample
    nameSpace: default # The namespace of the RadonDB MySQL cluster
  secretSelector:  # The secret key specifying the user and storing the user password
    secretName: sample-user-password  #password name. 
    secretKey: pwdForSample  # Key. The passwords of multiple users can be stored in a secret and distinguished by keys.