
Version 2.1.0 was released on October 22, 2021, the fourth release of RadonDB MySQL Kubernetes, and also the second version in operator pattern.


Thank @hustjieke, @zhyass, @runkecheng, @acekingke, and @molliezhang for your contributions.


1. Add monitoring function for MySQL cluster service.

After the monitoring function is enabled, a monitoring service is created and automatically connected to Prometheus.

2. Database backup and recovery based on S3

With the bucket and API key stored in S3 object storage, you can directly back up the Pod database to S3 object storage, or restore a new database cluster from the backup in S3 object storage.

3. Optimize account management.

Manage MySQL users by CR. Creating, deleting and modifying CR automatically changes corresponding users. Access to databases and tables can be granted.

4. Support dynamic disk expansion.

The YAML storage capacity can be changed and automatically expanded, and the database cluster can be automatically updated.

5. Optimize start-stop logic.

6. Enrich cluster status.

Support displaying intermediate cluster status, for example: initializing, updating; new cluster status closed.

7. Support access from external services.

8. Optimize code and provide updates.

9. Improve unit testing.

10. Automatic image building, format checking and unit testing are supported by the rich workflow and Travis CI.

2.1.2 Release notes


  • Clone init from follower node. #322
  • Support for manual repair invalid nodes. #331
  • Add E2E framework and simple testcase. #347
  • Support more node role labels. #334
  • Support unified setting images repository address. #378
  • Add tutorials of deploy radondb mysql on rancher. #338
  • Add tutorials of deploy radondb mysql on kubesphere. #152


  • Upgrade E2E frame to Ginkgo v2. #360
  • Update the description about access radondb mysql. #340
  • Change the default path of the rbac proxy image. #146
  • Make the versions provided by helm repo and release consistent. [#352]https://github.com/radondb/radondb-mysql-kubernetes/issues/352)
  • Add .gitignore about e2e logs and function. #381

Bug fixes

  • Fixed the cluster status cannot be changed after the POD exit abnormally. #366
  • Fixed the container time zone is not consistent with the host time zone . #329

What’s changed

Full Changelog: [v2.0.0…v2.1.2])(https://github.com/radondb/radondb-mysql-kubernetes/compare/v2.0.0...v2.1.2)