NFS backup and recovery

This tutorial demonstrates how to back up and recover the RadonDB MySQL cluster with the NFS server.

Install NFS server and resources

1. Install by Helm

helm install demo charts/mysql-operator  --set nfsBackup.installServer=true  --set nfsBackup.volume.createLocalPV=true

Or manually create the PVC and run:

helm install demo charts/mysql-operator  --set nfsBackup.installServer=true  --set nfsBackup.volume.specifiedPVC=XXXX

XXX stands for the PVC name.

In this way, you can install the pods and services of the NFS server in the cluster while installing the operator.

2. Install by kubectl

kubectl apply -f config/samples/nfs_pv.yaml 
kubectl apply -f config/samples/nfs_server.yaml 

Obtain the IP address of the NFS server

For example:

kubectl get svc nfs-server --template={{.spec.clusterIP}}

You can perform NFS backup with ClusterIp, which is in the example.

Create an NFS backup

1. Configure the IP address of the NFS server

# config/samples/mysql_v1alpha1_backup.yaml
nfsServerAddress: ""

2. Create a backup

kubectl apply -f config/samples/mysql_v1alpha1_backup.yaml

Note: The backup custom resource and that of the MySQL cluster must be in the same namespace.

3. Verify the backup

View the backup directory <cluster name>_<timestamp> as follows.

kubectl exec -it <pod name of nfs server> -- ls /exports
index.html  initbackup  sample_2022419101946

Recover the cluster from the NFS backup

Configure the nfsServerAddress attribute to the IP address of the NFS server in the mysql_v1alpha1_cluster.yaml file.

restoreFrom: "sample_2022419101946"


restoreFrom stands for the pathname of the backup cluster. You can obtain it by checking the load path of the NFS service.

Then, recover the cluster from the NFS backup as follows.

kubectl apply -f config/samples/mysql_v1alpha1_cluster.yaml