S3 backup and recovery

This tutorial demonstrates how to back up and recover the RadonDB MySQL cluster with S3.


Configure the backup

Step 1 Create the Secret file.

kind: Secret
apiVersion: v1
  name: sample-backup-secret
  namespace: default
  s3-endpoint: aHR0cDovL3MzLnNoMWEucWluZ3N0b3IuY29t
  s3-access-key: SEdKWldXVllLSENISllFRERKSUc=
  s3-secret-key: TU44TkNUdDJLdHlZREROTTc5cTNwdkxtNTlteE01blRaZlRQMWxoag==
  s3-bucket: bGFsYS1teXNxbA==
type: Opaque

The value s3-xxxx is base64-encoded. You can encode the value as follows, and do not encode line breaks.

echo -n "your value"|base64

Then, create the backup Secret.

kubectl create -f config/samples/backup_secret.yaml

Step 2 Configure the backup Secret for the Operator cluster.

Configure the backupSecretName property in mysql_v1alpha1_mysqlcluster.yaml. The following sets its value to sample-backup-secret.

  replicas: 3
  mysqlVersion: "5.7"
  backupSecretName: sample-backup-secret

Create the YAML configuration file mysql_v1alpha1_backup.yaml as follows.

apiVersion: mysql.radondb.com/v1alpha1
kind: Backup
  name: backup-sample1
  # Add fields here
  hostName: sample-mysql-0
  clusterName: sample

The configured property hostName stands for the pod name in the cluster, while clusterName refers to the cluster name.

Start the backup


Before starting the backup, you need to start the cluster.

kubectl apply -f config/samples/mysql_v1alpha1_backup.yaml

After starting the backup successfully, view the backup status as follows.

kubectl get backups.mysql.radondb.com 
NAME            BACKUPNAME             BACKUPDATE            TYPE
backup-sample   sample_2022526155115   2022-05-26T15:51:15   S3

Recover the cluster from the backup

Check the S3 bucket to find out the backup directory with a name in the form of sample_2022526155115. Create the RestoreFrom property in the mysql_v1alpha1_mysqlcluster.yaml file and set its value to the backup directory name.

  replicas: 3
  mysqlVersion: "5.7"
  backupSecretName: sample-backup-secret
  restoreFrom: "sample_2022526155115"

Then, run the following command to recover the database from the backup directory.

kubectl apply -f config/samples/mysql_v1alpha1_mysqlcluster.yaml