Deploy RadonDB MySQL Operator and cluster on Kubernetes

This tutorial demonstrates how to deploy, verify, access, and uninstall the RadonDB MySQL Operator and cluster.


  • Prepare an available Kubernetes cluster.


Step 1 Add the Helm repository.

$ helm repo add radondb

Ensure that the chart named radondb/mysql-operator exists in the repository.

$ helm search repo
NAME                            CHART VERSION   APP VERSION                     DESCRIPTION                 
radondb/mysql-operator          0.1.0           v2.1.x                          Open Source,High Availability Cluster,based on MySQL                     

Step 2 Deploy the operator.

Set the release name to demo and create a Deployment demo-mysql-operator.

$ helm install demo radondb/mysql-operator

This step also creates the custom resource required by the cluster.

Step 3 Deploy a RadonDB MySQL cluster.

Create an instance of the custom resource and thereby create a RadonDB MySQL cluster with default parameters as follows.

$ kubectl apply -f

To set cluster parameters, see Parameter Configuration.


Verify RadonDB MySQL Operator

Check the demo Deployment and its monitoring service. The deployment is successful if the following information is displayed.

$ kubectl get deployment,svc
NAME                  READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
demo-mysql-operator   1/1     1            1           7h50m

NAME                             TYPE        CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)    AGE
service/mysql-operator-metrics   ClusterIP    <none>        8443/TCP   8h

Verify the RadonDB MySQL cluster

Run the following command to check the CRDs.

$ kubectl get crd | grep                             2021-11-02T07:00:01Z                       2021-11-02T07:00:01Z                          2021-11-02T07:00:01Z

Run the following command to check the cluster. The installation is successful if a StatefulSet of three replicas (RadonDB MySQL nodes) and services used to access the nodes are displayed.

$ kubectl get statefulset,svc
NAME           READY   AGE
sample-mysql   3/3     7h33m

NAME                             TYPE        CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)    AGE
service/sample-follower          ClusterIP    <none>        3306/TCP   7h37m
service/sample-leader            ClusterIP   <none>        3306/TCP   7h37m
service/sample-mysql             ClusterIP   None            <none>        3306/TCP   7h37m

Access RadonDB MySQL

Prepare the MySQL client for connection.

RadonDB MySQL provides leader and follower services to access the leader node and follower nodes respectively. The leader service always points to the leader node supporting reading and writing data, while the follower service always points to the read-only follower nodes.

MySQL architecture

Within the Kubernetes cluster, you can use service_name or clusterIP to access RadonDB MySQL.

By clusterIP

The HA clusterIP of the leader service supports reading and writing data, while the HA clusterIP of the follower service supports reading data only.

$ mysql -h <clusterIP> -P <mysql_Port> -u <user_name> -p

For example, run the following command to access the leader service with the username radondb_usr and IP address of the leader service

$ mysql -h -P 3306 -u radondb_usr -p

By service name

Pods in the Kubernetes cluster can access RadonDB MySQL by using a service name.

service name cannot be used to access RadonDB MySQL from the host machines of the Kubernetes cluster.

  • Access the leader service (RadonDB MySQL leader node).
$ mysql -h <leader_service_name>.<namespace> -u <user_name> -p

For example, run the following command to access the leader service, with the username radondb_usr, release name sample, and namespace of RadonDB MySQL default:

$ mysql -h sample-leader.default -u radondb_usr -p
  • Access the follower service (RadonDB MySQL follower nodes).
$ mysql -h <follower_service_name>.<namespace> -u <user_name> -p

For example, run the following command to access the follower service with the username radondb_usr, release name sample, and namespace of RadonDB MySQL is default:

$ mysql -h sample-follower.default -u radondb_usr -p  


If the client is installed in a different Kubernetes cluster, see Access Applications in a Cluster to configure port forwarding and load balancing.


Uninstall RadonDB MySQL Operator

Uninstall the demo Operator in the current namespace as follows.

$ helm delete demo

Uninstall the RadonDB MySQL cluster

Uninstall the sample cluster as follows.

$ kubectl delete sample

Uninstall custom resources

$ kubectl delete
$ kubectl delete
$ kubectl delete